Keynotes and several conference track sessions were videotaped. Those that were taped can be found on the ASF YouTube channel. All other sessions have podcasts which can be found on Feathercast here. For corresponding slides, please visit the slides page or the Fast Feather Track slides page.
Below is a Feathecast file name-to-session title mapping list for the audio recordings.
Confluence_B_01_Chris Hostetter.mp3 - What's New In Apache Solr? - Chris Hostetter
Confluence_B_02_Timmothy Potter.mp3 - Introduction to SolrCloud - Timothy Potter
Confluence_B_03_Robert Muir.mp3 - Apache Lucene 4 - Robert Muir
Confluence_B_04_Mark Miller.mp3 - Solr's SolrCloud, The State of the Union - Mark Miller
Confluence_B_05_Roman Shaposhnik.mp3 - Building Google-in-a-box: using Apache SolrCloud and Bigtop to index your bigdata - Roman Shaposhnik
Confluence_B_06_Doug Turnbull.mp3 - Hacking Lucene for Custom Search Results - Doug Turnbull
Confluence_B_07_Wes Caldwell.mp3 - 'Shrinking the Haystack' using Apache Solr and OpenNLP - Wes Caldwell
Confluence_B_08_Timothy Potter.mp3 - Deploying and managing SolrCloud in the cloud - Timothy Potter
Confluence_B_09_Chris Hostetter.mp3 - Hidden Gems: Getting More Out Of Apache Solr - Chris Hostetter
Confluence_B_10_Doug Turnbull.mp3 - Test Driven Relevancy -- How to Work with Content Experts to Optimize and Maintain Search Relevancy - Doug Turnbull
Confluence_B_11_Amit Nithianandan.mp3 - Building next generation, personalized search applications - Amit Nithianandan
Confluence_B_12_Yonik Seeley.mp3 - Native Code and Off-Heap Data-structures for Solr - Yonik Seeley
Confluence_B_13_Jukka Zitting.mp3 - Secrets of Apache Tika - Jukka Zitting
Confluence_B_14_Lewis McGibbney.mp3 - Building your big data search stack with Apache Nutch 2.x - Lewis John McGibbney
Confluence_B_15_Nick Burch.mp3 - What's with the 1s and 0s? Making sense of binary data at scale with Tika and friends -Nick Burch
Confluence_B_16_Wayne Witzel.mp3 - Allura - A Gentle Introduction - Wayne Witzel III
Confluence_B_17_Dave Brondsema.mp3 - Diving Deeper into Allura - Dave Brondsema
Blake_01_Andrew-Rist.mp3 - Transitioning Open Office to Apache - a retrospective - Andrew Rist
Blake_02_Jan-Iverson.mp3 - Translators and developers are equally important in Apache OpenOffice - Jan Iversen
Blake_03_Louis-SuarezPotts.mp3 - Community and Ecosystem: From to Apache OpenOffice - Louis Suarez-Potts
Blake_04_Rob Weir.mp3 - Fuzzing Apache OpenOffice: An Approach to Automated Black-box Security Testing - Rob Weir
Blake_05_David-Fisher.mp3 - Porting the website to the Apache CMS - David Fisher
Blake_06_Jan-Iverson.mp3 - Changing Apache Openoffice build system with 4000+ files - Jan Iversen
Blake_07_Les-Hazlewood.mp3 - Designing a Beautiful REST+JSON API - Les Hazlewood
Blake_08_Les-Hazlewood.mp3 - Build a Killer Client for Your REST+JSON API - Les Hazlewood
Blake_09_William-Speirs.mp3 - Croquet: Combining Wicket, Jetty, Hibernate, and Guice - William Speirs
Blake_10_Jacopo-Cappellato.mp3 - Development of a Groovy based DSL for Apache OFBiz - Jacopo Cappellato
Blake_11_David-Fisher.mp3 - Osmosis - a PDF Conversion Tool using Apache PDFBox and Apache POI - David Fisher
Blake_12_Christofer-Dutz.mp3 - Building Enterprise Level Applications with Apache Flex and Java - Christofer Dutz
Blake_13_David Blevins.mp3 - Apache TomEE, JavaEE Web Profile and More on Tomcat - David Blevins
Blake_14_Mark-Thomas.mp3 - Apache Tomcat and SSL - Mark Thomas
Blake_15_Christopher-Schultz.mp3 - Monitoring Apache Tomcat - Christopher Schultz
Blake_16_Mark Thomas.mp3 - Migrating to Apache Tomcat 8 - Mark Thomas
Blake_17_Shultz-Clere.mp3 - Connecting Tomcat to the World: Performance and other considerations when selecting a Tomcat connector - Christopher Schultz, Jean-Frederic Clere
Blake_18_Mark Thomas.mp3 - A Practical use of Servlet 3.1: Implementing WebSocket - Mark Thomas
Blake_19_Sean-Mackrory.mp3 - Tutorial: Creating Linux Packages for your Project - Sean Mackrory
Blake_20_Dennis-Sosnoski.mp3 - Tutorial: CXF WS-Security and WS-ReliableMessaging - Dennis Sosnoski
CURTIS_01_Ate Douma.mp3 - Using Apache Commons SCXML 2.0: a general-purpose and standards based state machine engine - Ate Douma
CURTIS_02_Nick Burch.mp3 - But we're already open source! Why would I want to bring my code to Apache? - Nick Burch
CURTIS_03_.mp3 - Fast Feather Track
CURTIS_04_Matt Sicker.mp3 - Introducing Log4j 2.0 - Matt Sicker
CURTIS_05_Nicholas Williams.mp3 - Log4j 2 in Web Applications: A Deeper Look at Effective Java EE Logging - Nicholas Williams
CURTIS_06_Phil Steitz.mp3 - Apache Commons Pool and DBCP - Phil Steitz
CURTIS_07_Greg Jordan.mp3 - Your Graph is Showing: The Trend toward Graph Database - Greg Jordan
CURTIS_08_Renato Marroquin.mp3 - Turning NoSQL data into Graphs - Playing with Apache Giraph and Apache Gora - Renato Marroquin
CURTIS_09_Lewis McGibbney.mp3 - Deploying Apache Gora as a Query Broke - Lewis John McGibbney
Horace Tabor_01_Jim Jagielski.mp3 - Apache HTTPD 2.4- Jim Jagielski
Horace Tabor_02_Rich Bowen.mp3 - Configurable Configuration in httpd 2.4- Rich Bowen
Horace Tabor_03_Jeff Trawick.mp3 - Debugging Tricks with Apache HTTP Server 2.4 - Jeff Trawick
Horace Tabor_04_Daniel Ruggeri.mp3 - The mod_proxy cookbook - Daniel Ruggeri
Horace Tabor_05_Rich Bowen.mp3 - Demystifying mod_rewrite - Rich Bowen
Horace Tabor_06_Daniel Gruno.mp3 - (Re)Introducing mod_lua - Daniel Gruno
Horace Tabor_07_Daniel Gruno #2.mp3 - Utilizing the Web - or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love HTML5 - Daniel Gruno
Horace Tabor_08_Daniel Lopez.mp3 - The poor man's guide to running apps in the cloud - Daniel Lopez
Horace Tabor_09_Sander Temme.mp3 - SSL State of the Union - Sander Temme
Horace Tabor_10_William Rowe.mp3 - Apache httpd SSL; End-to-End - William A. Rowe Jr.
Horace Tabor_11_Carsten Ziegeler.mp3 - Apache Sling - a REST-based Web Application Framework - Carsten Ziegeler
Horace Tabor_12_Alex Harui.mp3 - What's Happening in The Apache Flex Project - Alex Harui
Horace Tabor_13_Alex Harui.mp3 - FlexJS: Flex for JavaScript - Alex Harui
Horace Tabor_14_Carsten Ziegeler.mp3 - Apache Felix Web Console - Web Based OSGi Framework Administration - Carsten Ziegeler
Horace Tabor_15_Jan Willem Janssen.mp3 - Felix HTTP - Paving the road to the future - Jan Willem Janssen, Marcel Offermans
Horace Tabor_16_Carsten Zeigeler.mp3 - Building OSGi Components - Carsten Ziegeler
Lawrence-A_01_Suresh Marru.mp3 - Apache Airavata: Building an Elastic Platform as a Service Using the Apache Ecosystem -Suresh Marru
Lawrence-A_02_Tom Barber.mp3 - Utilising the power of Apache OODT with open source Business Intelligence tools - Tom Barber
Lawrence-A_03_Martin Desruisseaux.mp3 - Apache SIS and standards in Geospatial information - Martin Desruisseaux
Lawrence-A_04_Marru and Wimalasena .mp3 - RESTless API Design with Apache Thrift: Experiences from Rearchitecting Apache Airavata - Suresh Marru, Chathuri Wimalasena
Lawrence-A_05_Annie Burgess.mp3 - A case of for polar data: integrating the NetCDF file type into Apache Tika - Annie Burgess
Lawrence-A_06_Raminder Singh.mp3 - Data Munging and Analysis for Scientific Applications - Raminder Singh
Lawrence-A_07_Steve Blackmon.mp3 - Apache Streams - Simplifying Real-Time data integration - Steve Blackmon
Lawrence-A_08_Gorkem Ercan.mp3 - Developing Cordova Applications with Eclipse IDE - Gorkem Ercan
Lawrence-A_09_Colm OhEigeartaigh.mp3 - Security best practices for Apache web services - Colm Ó hÉigeartaigh
Lawrence-A_10_Les Hazlewood.mp3 - Session Clustering with Cassandra and Apache Shiro - Les Hazlewood
Lawrence-A_11_Colm OhEigeartaigh.mp3 - Improving performance for security enabled web services - Colm Ó hÉigeartaigh
Lawrence-A_12_Les Hazlewood.mp3 - Easy Application Security with Apache Shiro
Lawrence-A_13_Marvin Humphrey.mp3 - Releasing Apache Software
Lawrence-A_14_Jukka Zitting.mp3 - Apache development with GitHub and Travis CI - Jukka Zitting
Lawrence-A_15_Shane Curcuru.mp3 - Policing Apache Project Brand Use By Third Parties - Shane Curcuru
Lawrence-A_16_Jan Iversen.mp3 - New Monitoring System for ASF - Jan Iversen
Lawrence-A_17_Ben Reser.mp3 - SVNPubSub - A notification API for Subversion - Ben Reser
Lawrence-B_01_Steve Gill.mp3 - Intro to Cordova & Cordova CLI workflow - Steve Gill
Lawrence-B_02_Don Coleman.mp3 - Connecting Arduino and Phones with Bluetooth and Cordova - Don Coleman
Lawrence-B_03_Don Coleman.mp3 - Writing NFC applications with Apache Cordova - Don Coleman
Lawrence-B_04_Andrew Grieve.mp3 - Developing Native Mobile Applications using JavaScript - Hazem Saleh
Lawrence-B_05_Lisa DeLuca.mp3 - Crowd Sourcing Translations -- A Look at How Apache Cordova's Documentation is Available in Multiple Languages - Lisa DeLuca
Lawrence-B_06_William Farner.mp3 - Introduction to Apache Aurora - William Farner
Lawrence-B_07_Boris Galitski.mp3 - Content Generation / Writer Assistance tool as an extension of OpenNLP - Boris Galitsky
Lawrence-B_08_Rob Vesse.mp3 - Introducing JDBC for SPARQL - Rob Vesse
Lawrence-B_09_Jukka Zitting.mp3 - Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3.0 - Jukka Zitting
Lawrence-B_10_Janssen and Offermans.mp3 - Continuous Automated Deployment with Apache ACE - Jan Willem Janssen, Marcel Offermans
Lawrence-B_11_Jukka Zitting.mp3 - /path/to/content - the Apache Jackrabbit content repository - Jukka Zitting
Lawrence-B_12_Reto Gmuer.mp3 - Using the Apache Linked Data Stack - Reto Gmür
Lawrence-B_13_Bob Paulin.mp3 - Adding Modularity Afterwards with Embedded OSGi - Bob Paulin
Lawrence-B_14_Emmanuel Lecharny.mp3 - Apache Mavibot : MVCC Btree in Java to the rescue - Emmanuel Lécharny
Lawrence-B_15_Heath Kesler.mp3 - Advanced Enterprise Architectures using Apache Frameworks - Heath Kesler
Lawrence-B_16_Theo Schlossnagle.mp3 - Production Debugging Techniques - Theo Schlossnagle
Lawrence-B_17Ben Oday.mp3 - Apache Camel Business Patterns - Ben O'Day
MollyBrown_01_Ross Gardler.mp3 - The state of the feather - Ross Gardler
MollyBrown_02_Sam Ruby.mp3 - Technology behind - Sam Ruby
MollyBrown_03_Marru and Shaposhnik.mp3 - Apache Incubator: the gateway into the “Apache Way” and is a continual mentoring venue - Suresh Marru, Roman Shaposhnik
MollyBrown_04_Mark Hinkle.mp3 - Let Me Help You. Don’t Fear the Man with the Free T-Shirts - Mark Hinkle
MollyBrown_05_Marru and Withana.mp3 - Get more out of GSoC opportunities: A Win-Win for both Projects and Students - Suresh Marru, Sachith Withana
MollyBrown_06_Marvin Humphrey.mp3 - Getting the Most out of the Incubator - Marvin Humphrey
MollyBrown_07_Shane Curcuro.mp3 - Supporting Apache Brands While Making A Profit - Shane Curcuru
MollyBrown_08_David Nalley.mp3 - Should you bring your project to the Apache Software Foundation - David Nalley
MollyBrown_09_Everett Toews.mp3 - Enabling Walkup Contributions to Your Project Documentation - Everett Toews
MollyBrown_10_Ross Gardler.mp3 - What does 'built by volunteers' mean? - Ross Gardler
MollyBrown_11_Rob Weir.mp3 - Open Source Marketing for Hackers - Rob Weir
MollyBrown_12_Nick Burch.mp3 - The Apache Way - Nick Burch
MollyBrown_13_Joe Brockmeier.mp3 - Podling Post-Mortem: Looking Back on Incubation and Lessons Learned - Joe Brockmeier
MollyBrown_14Edstrom and Genender.mp3 - Building a Country on Apache Open Source - Johan Edstrom, Jeff Genender
MollyBrown_15_Benjamin Young.mp3 - Open Source Enterprise - Benjamin Young
MollyBrown_16_Jim Jagielski.mp3 - Three Shall Be The Number - Jim Jagielski
MollyBrown_17_David Nalley.mp3 - Git at the ASF?? Surely you must be joking - David Nalley
PlatteRiver_01_Everett Toews.mp3 - Introduction to Apache jclouds
PlatteRiver_02_Sebastien Goasquen.mp3 - Apache Libcloud - Sebastien Goasguen
PlatteRiver_03_Dimitris Moraitis.mp3 - Mobile, multi-cloud management on top of libcloud - Dimitris Moraitis
PlatteRiver_04_Hugo Trippaers.mp3 - Software Defined Networking in CloudStack - Hugo Trippaers
PlatteRiver_05_Zack Shoylev.mp3 - Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds - Zack Shoylev
PlatteRiver_06_Ross Gardler.mp3 - Using cloud based VMs to build community - Ross Gardler
PlatteRiver_07_Dave Johnson.mp3 - How to Contribute to Apache Usergrid - David Johnson
PlatteRiver_08_Justin Erenkrantz.mp3 - Your private cloud should be more than just OpenStack! - Justin Erenkrantz
PlatteRiver_09_Seigfried Goeschl.mp3 - Apache JSPWiki - Siegfried Goeschl
PlatteRiver_10_Lukasz Dywicki.mp3 - Apache Karaf in real life - Łukasz Dywicki
Welton_01_Stephan Klevenz.mp3 - Apache Olingo - OData as the SQL for the Web - Stephan Klevenz
Welton_02_Lakmal Warusawithana.mp3 - Essential Elements of an Enterprise PaaS - Lakmal Warusawithana
Welton_03_Paul Wilson.mp3 - Apache CXF 3.0 - almost there! - Dan Kulp
Welton_04_--.mp3 - Solid RESTful Services with Apache CXF - Paul Wilson
Welton_05_Sergey Beryozkin.mp3 - JAX-RS 2.0 With Apache CXF - Sergey Beryozkin